
Published April 1st, 2009
GARDEN TOURS and EVENTS for April and May

Thursday, April 16th-Moraga Garden Club will be hosting its annual salad luncheon April 16th for members and their guests. Cynthia Brian will be the featured speaker. The topic will be 'Please Eat the Daisies.' New members are being accepted. If you are interested, please contact Pat 376-4675.

Friday, April 17th -Montelindo Garden Club Meeting- 9:30am, Speaker at 10:30. The meeting is free and welcomes guests. The meeting location will be changed for April only to The Gardens at Heather Farms, 1540 Marchbanks Dr., Walnut Creek. Speaker: Brian the Orchid Guy will speak about Orchids. Website:
www.montelindogarden.com email: montelindogarden@aol.com

Saturday, May 2nd-Through the Garden Gate Garden Tour-10am - 3pm, rain or shine. Moraga Junior Women's Club's 6th Annual Through the Garden Gate 2009 Garden Tour and fundraiser for UCSF Children's Hospital Child Life Services Showcasing 6 spectacular Lamorinda Gardens. $30/Ticket Box Lunch $10. Buy tickets at www.moragajuniors.org. Tickets also available through Moraga Junior Women's Club members or at Across the Way, McDonnell Nursery, and Orchard Nursery.

Sunday, May 3rd- Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour. As usual, the free self-guided tour will take place on the first Sunday in May. Sixty beautiful native plant gardens will be open. (Please DO NOT visit these gardens on Sat., May 2, as the hosts will be busy preparing for the event on the following day.) Reservations required. More information at: www.bringingbackthenatives.net/selftour.html

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