
Published April 1st, 2009
Public Invited to Downtown Strategy Forum
By Cathy Tyson
Graphic courtesy City of Lafayette website

Residents wanting to learn more or offer comments on the Downtown Strategy and Specific Plan are invited to a joint meeting of all involved departments and committees for a discussion of the main issues. This will be the first time that the City Council, the Advisory Committee, the Environmental Task Force and the Planning, Design Review, Circulation and Parts, Trails, and Recreation Commissions have gotten together to offer their recommendations, now that their respective reviews are complete.
Arriving at a final draft plan that can be forwarded to the environmental review phase of the process is the goal of this forum. A short presentation by consultant, Wallace Roberts & Todd will kick off the evening.
The meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 13 at 5:00 p.m. at the Lafayette Community Center, 500 St. Mary's Road. For more information, contact Ann Merideth, Community Development Director at amerideth@lovelafayette.org. To learn more, read the executive summary, examine the current draft of the Downtown Strategy and Specific Plan, check out comments from various commissions and committees and more, go to www.lovelafayette.org and scroll down to Downtown Strategy News.

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