
Published April 15th, 2009
How to Buy "The Frog?"
By Sophie Braccini
The Frog in front of the orinda Library Photo Andy Scheck

Since the City of Orinda started to display sculptures in partnership with the Orinda Arts Council, some exhibits have appeared so beautifully matched with the panorama that citizens have asked that they become permanent displays. One of them is "The Frog" that seems to have been created to leap into the fountain that adorns the Library plaza. But beautiful art doesn't come cheap and the City doesn't have a lot of discretionary cash.
One of the suggestions offered by the Orinda Revenue Enhancement Task Force could help: a City Improvement Fund subsidized by residents that would be used for City programs such as art in public places, police K-9, road repair, parks and recreation, City sponsored events and the Orinda Beautification program.
"Orinda residents are very generous and support many charities," says Mayor Sue Severson, we want to give them the opportunity to give back locally to the community they have chosen."
"A great many citizens have been 'Friends of Orinda' in the past, donating money to fund our canine officer "Chef" and to the Parks and Recreation Foundation," adds Council Member Victoria Smith, "we wanted to publicize that donations are cheerfully accepted, and can be made for a specific purpose, like purchasing an artwork for public display, or fixing a pothole (we'll even name it in memory of the donor!), or even made without strings attached for the general good of the City."
The plans are still preliminary, but the Council agreed that the Mayor should take the lead. "I plan to meet with fundraising specialists in the coming week," says Severson, we haven't decided yet if a specific fund raising event will be scheduled, but it is possible."
The amount of money that the City would like to raise is still undecided, but Severson adds that right now the General Fund supplies $15,000/year to support Orinda's events. "Private donations to support this fund would be helpful," she says, "and additional donations would allow more projects to be realized."
"We think that with enough donations for potholes, we can at least achieve the 'Miracle Mile!'" adds an optimistic Smith.
At this time, if you log on to the City of Orinda web site (http://www.ci.orinda.ca.us/), at the lower right corner of the page you will find a link to download a donation form to the Orinda City Improvement Fund. Severson reports having received many enthusiastic phone calls from residents. "Our City Clerk called to tell me that a gentleman came in today (April 9) with his check book to make a donation," she said.

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