Published July 22nd, 2009
Proclamation Honors MYIC Leader
By Sophie Braccini
When she made her presentation to the Town Council about the Moraga Youth Involvement Committee's (MYIC) year, Committee Chair Jessica Targett did not expect the excitement that would ensue. As the recent Campo graduate and soon to be Loyola Marymount University freshman was leaving the stage, she was called back by Mayor Dave Trotter to hear a proclamation honoring her outstanding performance on the committee. After the proclamation, staff and elected officials added some kind words about her job on the MYIC.
"I was totally surprised," says a very unassuming Targett, "I know the committee did way more this year than the previous years, but this was really the result of everyone's input and work."
The proclamation was written with the other young members of the Committee, and included statements such as, "Jessica Targett's true leadership is evident through her persistence to improve MYIC events;" "(She) was awesome because she was involved with every single event and project from beginning to end;" and "(She) is always willing to go the extra mile... or sacrificing extra time to plan and work events."
Staff had much praise for Targett. Kimberley Nelson, Parks and Recreation and Facilities coordinator, praised how Jessica effectively worked with everybody. Parks and Rec Director Jay Ingram said, "Jessica, you were exactly what MYIC was supposed to be, and you've exceeded all expectations."
Council Member Mike Metcalf acknowledged that MYIC has done more this year than past years, and Council Member Karen Mendonca recognized Jessica's natural leadership talent, which builds consensus.
"That's what I like," confirmed Targett, "building consensus and allowing everyone to contribute."
The young woman hopes that other teens will be inspired to join MYIC next year. Applications can be found on the town web site and have to be turned in before August 14. "This was a wonderful experience," she said, "I enjoyed working with my peers and for your town. We got to know the staff and understand better how a municipality functions."

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