Published July 22nd, 2009
Town Hall Kids Back on Stage at Beloved Theater
By Jean Follmer
Photo provided
After a devastating flood due to a ruptured fire safety sprinkler, which dumped 800 gallons of water into the upstairs theatre before flowing downstairs, soaking through the walls and floors last April, Lafayette's Town Hall Theatre experienced a temporary setback. The recently remodeled lobby was destroyed and the entire downstairs of the theatre was flooded, while the hearts of the many actors, patrons and employees sunk at the news.
Some wondered if the treasured local theatre would close, but such thoughts were quickly cast aside and the show went on.
After a brief venture off-site, rehearsals and performances returned to the Town Hall Theatre and have continued throughout the reconstruction period. A recent performance of The Granny Awards under the direction of Emily Garcia attested to the theatre's staying power. The Granny Awards was performed by the Town Hall Kids Bravo Session 1 Group of actors, all children ages 7-11. Other Town Hall Kids performances scheduled this summer are:
- Bravo's The Best Little Theatre in Town directed by Dennis Markham - Aug. 1 at 2 and 4 p.m.
- Bravo's The Little Mermaid directed by Xanadu Bruggers - Aug. 22 at 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.
- Encore's (ages 11-14) Alice in Wonderland directed by Emily Garcia - Aug. 14 & 15 at 7 p.m.
Town Hall Theatre's Director of Education, Janice Peacock, expects the construction to come to a close shortly. "We're very close to being done. The target move back in date is July 24," she said. The office and lobby furniture and equipment were replaced through "It's turning out to be even more beautiful than before."
For more information about upcoming performances, please visit or call 283-1557.

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