Attempted burglary, 11/13/09 A man was found trying to open the door of Rite Aid on Orinda Way. He mentioned to police that he was on parole for, you guessed it, burglary. He had several tools that are often used for burglaries in his backpack. Slow learner. Surely he will have a little more time to reflect on his career path while incarcerated.
Mac theft, 11/09/09 The mother of a Miramonte student called Orinda police to report that her son's computer was stolen. He took his laptop to the Miramonte Theater to do homework and work on sets. He realized it was missing the next day. Apple Mac book pro - estimated value $1,500. Chalk it up to a valuable lesson learned. Is not being able to "Facebook" punishment enough?
Wallet stolen out of purse, 11/16/09 A woman who works at an office on Camino Encinas knew she had her wallet in her purse in the morning. She received a call from Bank of America later that day telling her that someone had used her check card fraudulently to purchase items at a Target store in Albany. Good thing the thief didn't use the card at Tiffany.
Car burglary, 11/13/09 A woman working at the Orinda Country Club parked her car near the pool area. As she was leaving she noticed someone had smashed her window and grabbed an overnight bag that happened to be in the vehicle. Unfortunately no one saw the incident. Estimated loss - $10 for the bag, $15 worth of clothing, but sadly hundreds of dollars to repair the broken window.