Published November 19th, 2014
As seen in Moraga
From left: Erwin Santos, Ricky Hinojsa, Raymund Respicio, Igor Kipnis. Photo Cathy Dausman
Wardrobe Panache
How to reconcile "casual Friday" dress code with proper bank attire? This foursome, all employees at the Moraga branch of Wells Fargo Bank, has done so simply by swapping out their ties for bow ties. "Bow tie Friday" began about a year ago, said branch manager Erwin Santos (left). And yes - the ties you see are real bow ties, not the clip-on variety. "I didn't know how to tie [a bow tie], until I watched a YouTube video," Santos said. He must be a fast learner, because now he helps others tie their bow ties. - C. Dausman

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