Published March 6th, 2019
Two new Wilder playfields add over $6 million to Orinda balance sheet
By Sora O'Doherty
Lamorinda Girls' Soccer Club playing at the Development Academy level. Photo Sora O'Doherty
Orinda has resolved to take title to Playfields 4 and 5 at Wilder. The land, about 16.5 acres, is valued at $987,600 and the improvements at $5.74 million. Orinda has previously accepted Playfields 1 and 2, which included a tot lot, picnic area, pedestrian pathways and parking lot. Playfield 3 has also been accepted and included lift stations, a bridge, two comfort stations, a guest house, a maintenance building and ballfield lighting. The Art and Garden Center is very close to completion, and the city expects to take possession of it this month.

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