Published July 3rd, 2024
Town Council approves Moraga Road/Campolindo Drive Traffic Safety Study
By Vera Kochan
Image courtesy Moraga Public Works Department
The Moraga Road and Campolindo Drive Traffic Safety Study has been accepted as complete by the Town Council, who approved the safety improvements identified in the study and authorized staff to begin implementation as part of the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project.
Residents in the area have expressed concerns regarding various traffic situations that have made it difficult for them to safely maneuver their vehicles during peak congestion hours. As a result, in December 2023, the council authorized hiring a consultant, Parametrix, Inc., to perform a safety study.
According to a June 26 staff report by Moraga's Public Works Director/Town Engineer Shawn Knapp, Senior Engineer Nate Levine, and Assistant Engineer Yao Miao, Parametrix's goals were to: "engage the community to understand their traffic congestion and safety concerns; recommend multi-modal traffic modifications to improve safety, circulation, and access within the project extent along Moraga Road and Campolindo High School drop-off and pick-up areas, parking lot driveways, and adjacent intersections; and recommend measures to improve driver sight distance and/or slow traffic along Moraga Road to improve safety for drivers exiting Corte Santa Clara onto Moraga Road."
As a result of the study, staff met with the Campolindo Home Owners Association in April 2024, and agreed to paint red curbs and "No Parking" signage at strategic crosswalks in order to address residents' concerns regarding pedestrian safety.
Additional traffic safety meetings with the public yielded a variety of solutions. Parametrix's Moraga Road recommendations included three stages of improvements. Near-Term Improvements are to install painted bulb-outs with raised posts at specific crosswalks; and re-stripe Moraga Road for bike lanes, reduce lane widths, and update crosswalk markings. Mid-Term Improvements would upgrade the Moraga Road/Campolindo Drive traffic signal system, and replace the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon with a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon, also known as a High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk. A Long-Term Improvement would involve a study reconstructing the Moraga Road west side sidewalk via a multi-use path from Campolindo Drive to Rheem Boulevard. This is expected to be evaluated as part of the Livable Moraga Road project.
In order to address residents' concerns along Corte Santa Clara Court regarding difficulty exiting onto Moraga Road, a Near-Term Improvement is to install "Keep Clear" markings at the intersection and trim or remove existing shrubs/trees to increase driver sight lines. Additional sight line analysis is necessary in order to minimize the number of trees needing removal with the cooperation of property owners.
The eventual Palos Colorados 123-unit residential development is already on the town's radar with a Mid-Term Improvement of further study concerning ingress/egress locations to better fit the roadway alignment. Long-Term Improvements would be to install a traffic signal at the Palos Colorados subdivision entrance with Moraga Road; and to coordinate traffic signals with others along Moraga Road to provide travel gaps to allow for easier egress from Corte Santa Clara Court.
Campolindo Drive's neighborhood expressed concerns with vehicular speeding, student parking and partially blocking driveways, and pedestrian safety near the Campolindo Cabana Swim Club. Near-Term Improvements would be to install painted bulb-outs with raised posts at specific crosswalks, and add parking prohibitions and reconstructed curb ramps on Campolindo Drive for improved pedestrian safety. Mid-Term Improvements involve an upgrade of the Moraga Road/Campolindo Drive traffic signal system (incorporate with Smart Signals project), develop a travel demand management plan with Campolindo High School Administration, and consider a residential parking permit system.
The Near-Term Improvements are part of the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project and re-considered change order requests totaling approximately $28,500. The staff report states, "There is no fiscal impact to the adopted Fiscal Year 2023/24 budget as the Moraga Road and Campolindo Drive Traffic Safety Study was funded through the Minor Traffic Safety Program of the $50,000 budget allocated with Measure J Funds. Parametrix's final study services cost, including completing additional community outreach and exhibit support for change orders along with possible additional work to address any Town Council comments, if any, is expected to be $47,009."

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