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Barbecued corn-chicken salad
(Serves 4-5 as a main lunch dish and 8 as a side dish)

By Susie Iventosch

Savory summer market salads
My husband and I just completed a magical, 99-mile whitewater rafting trip down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho. We journeyed through the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness for seven days with our three adult children and nine of their best ...By Susie Iventosch

Eggs in a Bag
(For 2)

4 ...
By Susie Iventosch

New cooking product offers 'in the bag' simplicity
I was in my local Ace Hardware store when Cassidy, who runs their amazing kitchen department, called me over to see her latest, greatest inventory item. It is call Stasher, a reusable platinum silicon food storage bag that can be reused over and over again, and washed ...By Susie Iventosch

A crunchy breakfast companion for seasonal fruit
Homemade granola makes a great breakfast companion to all of the amazing fresh fruits available in the markets this time of year! We've just picked a couple gallons of huckleberries, and aside from making muffins or scones, topping granola with berries or stone fruits ...By Susie Iventosch

A sweet and savory summer snack
I have been wanting to publish this fig recipe for a few years now, but because we spend our summers in Idaho, we keep missing the fig season in the Bay Area and so I seem to forget about them. But, in a turn of luck last week we made a quick trip to the Bay Area for a ...By Susie Iventosch

Shallot-Mushroom Steak Topper Packs perfect for barbecuing
When we go camping, we like to make veggie packs to cook right in the coals of the campfire. These are nifty foil packages containing sliced potatoes, carrots, squash, mushrooms, onions and a little bit of olive oil along with some salt and pepper. They are really ...By Susie Iventosch

Goat Cheese Cheesecake

2 ...
By Susie Iventosch

Cherry Quark Filling
2 eggs, separated
1/2 cup granulated sugar
By Susie Iventosch

Andy's Cherry Quark Cake
Cake Crust

By Susie Iventosch

The essential ingredient for European baking: Quark
In January 2013, we featured Andy Scheck's Apple Quark Cake in this column. Andy is the publisher of the Lamorinda Weekly and among his many talents he's an excellent cook! He has a collection of recipes that he learned from his mom, Anneliese, and occasionally, he ...By Susie Iventosch

Make your own memories with Bittersweet Brownie Pudding
A few weeks ago, my sister called to see if I had our mom's brownie pudding recipe. She wanted to surprise our parents with this old family favorite, but my recipe file was not with me that day. Actually, I had completely forgotten about brownie pudding, which was one ...By Susie Iventosch

Whole Cauliflower Roasted and Stuffed

1 whole head of cauliflower, white, orange or purple
By Susie Iventosch

A cheesy twist for cauliflower
I was looking for a new and interesting way to serve cauliflower and came across a recipe on the Food Network that looked amazing! It called for stuffing the cauliflower with a cheesy mixture and then coating it with a panko crust before baking. I've now seen this done ...By Susie Iventosch

Seafood salad offers light alternative for warm summer nights
This salad has a lot going on and is very colorful, too. With papaya, mango, avocado, Napa cabbage, cilantro, coconut shrimp and seared ahi, it has a rainbow of delicious colors. It's big enough for a main course, yet light for a warm summer evening. We love the sweet ...By Susie Iventosch

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