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Hearty Soup made with Perfect Hominy
My sister has been making posole for years, but it never occurred to me to try it until I encountered a shelf in the grocery store boasting both blue and white bags of posole. I pondered over which way to go, and decided that since it was going to be a preliminary ...By Susie Iventosch

(Makes 6 large or 8 medium)
1 1/2 cups warm water, at about 110-115 degrees
By Susie Iventosch

Twist It Up for Super Bowl
There is still more than a week before Super Bowl kickoff and I thought it might be fun to try another finger food to serve up during the big game. I was recently in Austria and Germany, and they have pretzels for everything ... pretzel sandwiches, pretzels with nuts, ...By Susie Iventosch

Chicken Philly Cheese(steaks)
(Serves 4)
By Susie Iventosch

Super Bowl Fan Fare
We used to have season tickets to the Cal games some 20 years ago, and I just loved the smell of the Philly Cheesesteaks cooking on the grills in the concession stands! Though I usually never bought one, because I've never really eaten much beef, the aroma was out of ...By Susie Iventosch

Macadamia-nut panko-crusted Mahi-Mahi
(Serves 4)
By Susie Iventosch

A Warm and Welcome Fish Dish for the New Year
Over Thanksgiving weekend, we had the good fortune to visit dear friends whom we had not seen in years. It was a wonderful reunion and, as per usual, Bob and Prudy served us a delicious homemade meal for lunch. On the day's menu was a beautiful broccoli salad along ...By Susie Iventosch

Garbanzo Bean Sun-dried Tomato Salad
(Serves 6-8 as a side dish, or 3-4 as a ...By Susie Iventosch

A Mediterranean Medley of Color and Crunch
This is a fun salad that can be served as a side dish or used as a main course for lunch or a light dinner. It is super easy, stores well in the refrigerator and is also very pretty. I think it would also be delicious with a sprinkling of feta cheese for a little extra ...By Susie Iventosch

Brighten Your Holidays with this Browned Butter Cake
When I was looking for a new "yellow" cake recipe, I ran across this one and it is delicious. It called for a browned butter frosting, but we loved the chocolate frosting with this cake. We added the whipped cream-toffee filling, and it is a natural with the subtle ...By Susie Iventosch

Yam it Up with this Spicy Sweet Potato Dish
This dish has its inspiration from one I recently shared with my son in Austin, Texas at a restaurant named Odd Duck. The place specializes in small plates, and after we ordered this tasty dish, we wished we had more. So, naturally, we ordered a second one, but by the ...By Susie Iventosch

Quiche Muffins Make a Quick Meal
I was perusing Facebook a few weeks ago, and found that my daughter's good friend, Jose Gonzalez, had posted a photo of these delicious-looking quiche-like "muffins." Immediately, I messaged him to see if he would share the recipe with me for the food column, because ...By Susie Iventosch

Chicken Ragout, Much Lighter Than a Stew
This is the time of year when the desire for comfort foods really starts to surface. That is probably why my son, who is a huge seafood fan, opted for pasta instead of lobster on his first-ever trip to Boston last week. He was so enthralled with the dish, that he sent ...By Susie Iventosch

Light and Airy Apple Sharlotka Perfect for Fall
Never in my entire life had I heard of "Apple Sharlotka," until my cooking buddy, Jeff, sent me his recipe for such a dessert. Apparently, it is a very common Russian sweet, and according to RussianFood.com, it is the most popular Russian sweet cake. We sometimes call ...By Susie Iventosch

2014 Mixologist of the Year winner: Joe Carpenter (formally) of The Cooperage
The Perfect Pair
1.5 ounces rye bourbon
0.75 ounce St. George Spicy Pear Liqueur

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