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SMC student honored by MOFD for heroic lifesaving efforts
Courtney Newton rarely visits the Moraga Starbucks, but one 57-year- old man is undoubtedly grateful that she did the afternoon of Jan. 27.
As the Saint Mary's College student studied ...
By Nick Marnell

Fire Station 16 on track, oak tree cooperating
The construction-unfriendly weather has only minimally impacted the projected opening date for Lafayette Fire Station 16, scheduled to be completed and occupied early this spring.
"If ...
By Nick Marnell

Fire Station 43 on track, temporary station not cooperating
It wouldn't be the Moraga-Orinda Fire District Station 43 project without some degree of drama, but this episode has nothing to do with the new building; its construction has proceeded swimmingly through the rainy winter. The adjacent temporary structure, though, was ...By Nick Marnell

ConFire welcomes 24 new firefighters
With the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District poised to open Lafayette Fire Station 16 in the spring and increase the size of some of its crews from three to four, the district added two dozen new firefighters to its ranks Feb. 14 at the Academy 52 graduation ...By Nick Marnell

Public pension plan investment performance continues to lag the financial markets
The portfolios of the organizations that ...By Nick Marnell

Wells elected to California Professional Firefighters executive board
Vince Wells, president of the United Professional Firefighters of Contra Costa County, Local 1230, has been elected the 4th District vice president for the California Professional Firefighters organization. Wells took office Jan. 25.
By Nick Marnell

MOFD board president determined to reverse poor public perception
Rarely does an interviewee ask for more time as the session winds down, but Steven Danziger, high-energy president of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District board of directors, did just that, as he outlined his plans to change the negative perception of the district board. ...By Nick Marnell

North Orinda wildfire evacuation exercise planned for Jan. 26
With information gleaned from the Moraga emergency evacuation exercise in December, and prepared to expand the drill into a larger area and onto a major freeway, the Moraga-Orinda Fire District, in partnership with the Orinda and Moraga police departments, the ...By Nick Marnell

Fire investigator who helped nab arsonists retires
Vic Massenkoff, the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District investigator who sleuthed down the origin and cause of thousands of fires and helped prepare the criminal cases against two serial arsonists in Lafayette, put away his gun, badge and turnout gear in early ...By Nick Marnell

Former MOFD director Steve Anderson has not lost his passion
Always one to willingly speak his mind , ...By Nick Marnell

MOFD and ConFire promote new operations chiefs
Two veteran firefighters will run the operations divisions of the Lamorinda fire agencies in 2019, both men having been promoted in the fourth quarter of last year.
Matt Nichols took ...
By Nick Marnell

New Moraga-Orinda Fire District board members
New Moraga-Orinda Fire District board members are sworn in Dec. 19 at the Hacienda de Las Flores in Moraga by Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge John Kennedy. From left, Greg Baitx, Michael Donner and Steven Danziger. Fire Chief Dave Winnacker looks on.

Spirit of Saint Mary's headed to afterlife
One of the most popular, larger-than-life personalities of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District has made its last emergency call and will soon be sold to the highest bidder.
The MOFD board of ...
By Nick Marnell

Latest MOFD financial report shows a $12 million dent in long-term liabilities
After years of negative financial news, ...By Nick Marnell

MOFD fire chief the impetus behind relocation of Moraga Fire Station 41
According to local officials, the Moraga-Orinda Fire District is under no pressure from developers or the town of Moraga to move Fire Station 41, which sits on Moraga Way next to the new Town Center Homes development.
By Nick Marnell

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