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Published on July 3rd, 2024
Spotting mis/disinformation in media during the upcoming elections
With so many sources of nefarious news to ...By Vera Kochan

Published on July 3rd, 2024
Earlier Town Council meetings on the horizon in Moraga
The Town Council is expected to authorize an ...By Vera Kochan

Published on July 3rd, 2024
Hacienda Nights brings the food trucks
You can tell that summer fun is in the air --literally -- by the mouth-watering scents wafting from the Hacienda de las Flores area. Yes, it's time for Hacienda Nights, and that means a variety of food trucks to please any palate.
By Vera Kochan

Published on July 3rd, 2024
Town Council approves Moraga Road/Campolindo Drive Traffic Safety Study
The Moraga Road and Campolindo Drive Traffic Safety Study has been accepted as complete by the Town Council, who approved the safety improvements identified in the study and authorized staff to begin implementation as part of the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project.
By Vera Kochan

Published on July 3rd, 2024
Historic day for Orinda: Friends of Joaquin Moraga Adobe now own the building
Although the building isn't quite ready to regularly open to the public, the Friends of the Joaquin Moraga Adobe held a ribbon cutting ceremony and preview on Saturday June 29, to celebrate the purchase of the building. Visitors, including Orinda Mayor Darlene Gee, ...By Sora O'Doherty

Published on July 3rd, 2024
Canyon's phone service restored as Moraga gets hit
After more than a week without landlines, AT&T has restored service to more than 100 residents of Canyon. Thieves had cut and stolen about 500 feet of telephone cable along Canyon Road near Moraga, presumably to sell the copper within it.
By Chris Lavin

Published on June 19th, 2024
AAUW - Orinda, Moraga, Lafayette Branch presents scholarships to local students
The American Association of University Women-OML branch honored local middle school, high school, and college students at their April meeting. Students, parents, and friends joined branch members to celebrate the students' accomplishments. Three local high school ...Submitted by Renee Rosado

Published on June 19th, 2024
Moraga Police Blotter
Moraga Police

Published on June 19th, 2024
It's summer concert time in Moraga
Put on your dancing shoes Moraga, because the Summer Concert Series is in full swing again. Not to be left out, Orinda and Lafayette have their own versions. All three venues offer free admission, food options, and plenty of room to boogie.
By Vera Kochan

Published on June 19th, 2024
Up your golf game with Moraga's new Sunday Swing
Golfing indoors? Yep, and it's now a reality in Moraga. Sunday Swing is an indoor golf performance center that boasts expert instructors and tour-level technology to help anyone improve their golfing skills.
By Vera Kochan

Published on June 19th, 2024
Saint Mary's College hires new president after a nationwide search
After spending nearly a year conducting an extensive search to find a new president, Saint Mary's College announced last month that Roger J. Thompson, EdD is the school's new choice to take the helm.
By Vera Kochan

Published on June 19th, 2024
App helps EV owners to save money and help environment while charging at home
For electric car and other EV owners in Lafayette and Moraga, there is an app that can help them to save money and use clean energy. Released by Marin Clean Energy (MCE) and ev.energy in 2022, the app is called "MCE Sync". It works by automatically charging cars ...By Elaine Borden Chandler

Published on June 19th, 2024
"I Am Your Father" zucchini racer squashes the competition on Fathers' Day
A sunny Fathers' Day at the Moraga Farmers Market saw a zucchini car named for an infamous father win a $100 "most creative" prize as the Zucchini Car Races returned to the market on Sunday June 16. Their car was called "I Am Your Father," after the Darth Vader ...By Sora O'Doherty

Published on June 5th, 2024
Councils receive updates on Home Insurance situation
Northern California Outreach Manager Lisa Strange, in presenting the Lafayette City Council with an update on insurance reform from Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, began by explaining the wide scope of the department's role-and emphasized one crucial limi ...By Lou Fancher

Published on June 5th, 2024
Moraga Blue Team defeated Piedmont Gators
The Moraga baseball Bronco Division Moraga Blue Team Morindamonte League defeating on May 19 the Piedmont Gators at Coaches Field in Piedmont 15-14. ...Submitted by Annie Browne

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