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Published on October 25th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"River stones remain, while water flows away." ~ Romanian Proverb
Growing up on the farm, our home was surrounded on three sides by hills and a creek that flowed year-round. In the ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on October 11th, 2023
Top tips for fall organizing
Fall is definitely my favorite season. I love the changing colors, cooler weather and of course, boot season. Organizing and packing away the summer toys, swimsuits, goggles, and the million beach towels feels great!
By Jennifer Raftis, CPO

Published on October 11th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own." ~ Charles Dickens
Monochromatic. My featureless October garden appears unicolor. There are several shades of green, so ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on September 27th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and animals." ~ Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
This past year I downloaded a phenomenal app designed by Cornell Lab of Ornithology called ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on September 13th, 2023
Best tools to include in your basic toolbox
It is essential to have the right tools for the job. Sure, there are times I have made it work, but it is not good to use a table knife from the kitchen drawer to tighten a loose screw.
By Jim Hurley

Published on September 13th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"The Land! That is where our roots are. There is the basis of our physical life." ~ Henry Ford
As a gardener, I spend copious amounts of time thinking about roots. Healthy roots are ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on September 13th, 2023
A guide to organizing and concealing your cords
When did cords become so unmanageable? The answer is when modern society became dependent on electronic devices. In today's world, we literally can't live without them. Research shows the average person can own at least five electronic devices and if you have a ...By Jennifer Raftis, CPOr

Published on August 30th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"There are no happier folks than plant lovers, and none more generous than those who garden." ~ Ernest Wilson
Many years ago, I was considering adopting two miniature ponies. When I ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on August 16th, 2023
Can I sell my stuff and is it worth it?
If you are wondering if something in your home is worth selling, how can you find out if it has value and can you sell it?
This is a question that I am often asked by my clients. If you ...
By Jennifer Raftis, CPO

Published on August 16th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"My parents told me I'd point to a bed of flowers and say `Pink. Pretty' before I could say any other words!" ~ Joni Mitchell
Pink, and all the shades and hues associated with this ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on July 19th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas." ~ Elizabeth Murray
The verdant hills have turned golden as the peak of summertime splendor ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on July 5th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
“I should like to enjoy this summer flower by flower, as if it were to be the last one for me.” ~ Andre Gide
Summer is the most beloved season of the year for most people for many ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on June 21st, 2023
Hints to help caulking go smoothly
Have you ever watched an artist work? I mean closely watch as they prepare the palette, carefully mix the color they need and then apply it so beautifully to their canvas in a smooth fluid stroke of the brush. Yeah, I can't do that. My real talent seems to be ...By Jim Hurley

Published on June 21st, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"Stop, look, and listen. Nature is what you may be missing." ~ Cynthia Brian
When I was telling my husband that I had deep watered one of our magnolia trees, his response, was "Why did ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on June 7th, 2023
Recycling through the Reuse program
Growing up in Moraga, my mom would get ...By Ashley Louisiana

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