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Published on March 1st, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden." -˙Thomas Jefferson
Throw open your windows! Inhale the sweet smells ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on February 15th, 2023
Simple tips to handle irrigation line drips
“She could see the valley barbecues; From her window sill; See the blue pools in the squinting sun; Hear the hissing of summer lawns.” ~ Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell’s amazing lyrics ...
By Jim Hurley

Published on February 15th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
“Having plants in your house is a natural way to continuously clear yourself!” ~ Doreen Virtue
With another four weeks to go before the start of spring, turning our yearnings for ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on February 1st, 2023
Simple ways to unclog bathroom sinks
My previous article about clogged drains, ("The-Dirty-Low-Down" in the June 8 issue), highly recommends calling a sewer specialist, but plugged or slow-draining bathroom sinks can be the exception.
By Jim Hurley

Published on February 1st, 2023
How time management is like eating elephants and frogs
Time management is a subject you probably feel strongly about, either you loathe it or you love it. I have studied time management methods for decades and will share a few basic time management strategies that can help you make substantial, positive changes in how you ...By Jennifer Raftis, CPO

Published on February 1st, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"It's the time that you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important. . People have forgotten this truth, but you mustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for what you've tamed. You're responsible for your rose." - Antoine de Saint-Exup‚ry
By Cynthia Brian

Published on January 18th, 2023
The Real Estate Year in Review
This past year was an interesting year for buyers and sellers of residential real estate in Lamorinda. The first half of 2022 started very strong and then changes came as interest rates increased steadily throughout the last half of the year.
By Conrad Bassett, Licensed Real Estate Broker and CRP, GMS-T

Published on January 18th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"Hope and faith flower from the cheerful seeds of the old year to the sprouting garden of the new year's dawn." ~ Terri Guillemets
For the past three-plus weeks, we have endured intense ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on January 4th, 2023
A few ways to save native flora and fauna from human impacts
As someone given the gift of nature awareness at a very young age and becoming a naturalist for the Wagner Ranch Nature Area some 45 years ago, I feel I must use my voice to speak for local flora and fauna.
By Toris Jaeger, Naturalist, FONA

Published on January 4th, 2023
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."~ Audrey Hepburn
Where did the year go? It seems like only yesterday that I was writing gardening goals for 2022, and it is already 2023. ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on December 21st, 2022
Touch-up painting tips and travails
"I have some touch-up paint for that." That sentence lives in infamy recalling the day my client handed me an old paint can. First, the lid was stuck to the can with gobs of hardened paint all over it. I set the can on the cement in the garage and pried the top off, ...By Jim Hurley

Published on December 21st, 2022
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature."~Andy Rooney
Everyone who knows me understands that I am a nature girl. I spend as much time outdoors as possible in all ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on December 7th, 2022
Make this a magical and meaningful holiday season
When did the magic of the holidays become surviving the holidays? I enjoy the holiday season because it inspires people to focus on family, friends and our communities. Driving through the neighborhoods and seeing the lights on the houses helps remind me that we live ...By Jennifer Raftis, CPO

Published on December 7th, 2022
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"There is material enough in a single flower for the ornaments of a score of cathedrals." ~ John Ruskin
Like so many Americans, the day after Thanksgiving I pulled out my stored ...
By Cynthia Brian

Published on November 23rd, 2022
Digging Deep with Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian
"Landscapes move us in a manner more analogous to the action of music than to anything else. Gradually and silently the charm carries over us: the beauty has entered our souls we know not exactly when and how." ~ Frederick Law Olmstead
By Cynthia Brian

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