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There comes a moment in the lives of most college seniors when they are asked to prove themselves, to put their skills to the test and evidence the result of four years of exploration, effort and learning. For 10 dance students at Saint Mary's College, that moment is ...By A.K. Carroll

"Chaste: An Awful Comedy" at SMC is Anything But
When theater director and professor at Saint Mary's College, Rebecca Engle, came across a New York Times review of Ken Prestininzi's play "Chaste: An Awful Comedy," Engle knew it would a perfect production to put on at Saint Mary's.
By A.K. Carroll

New Exhibit Links Art and Technology at Saint Mary's College
The Saint Mary's College Museum of Art's current multimedia artwork exhibition, "The Axis Mundi/Open Portals," by Ron Hutt is a true combination of art and technology - and is unlike anything the museum has featured before.
By Ryan McKinley

Back and Forth Bargaining Between the College and the Town
Two topics emblematic of the dynamics ...By Sophie Braccini

Local Photographer's Exhibition at SMC Museum of Art Reveals Hidden Bay Area Gem
Stephen Joseph has spent the majority of his career photographing nature in Northern California, from Yosemite to Mount Diablo. He enjoys challenging himself to capture both famous and everyday sights in unique ways. Unlike his other collections, however, the name of ...By Adam Blake

Saint Mary's to Host California Teachers Summit
"With Common Core, the big goal is to prepare students to be college and career ready," said Adam Clark, assistant superintendent for the Liberty Union High School District. "Before we can make them ready, though, we have an obligation to teach our students [certain] ...By A.K. Carroll

An Unlikely Candidate for a SMC Summer Research Project: Mistletoe
When biology major Courtney Starr began making plans for summer research, she didn't expect she'd spend June through August surrounded by an iconic symbol of Christmas, but that's exactly what is happening for this Saint Mary's junior. In collaboration with Anthony ...By A.K. Carroll

2015 Saint Mary's Graduation Day
It was sweater weather May 23 when more than 700 Saint Mary's College students received their undergraduate degrees during an outdoor stadium ceremony as parents, family, friends, college staff and dignitaries looked on.
By Cathy Dausman

Saint Mary's Intramural Field Will Stay Lit Until 10PM
The Moraga Town Council authorized Saint ...By Sophie Braccini

SMC Rugby Wins Second Straight National Title
Saint Mary's College returned to the Division 1A Rugby National Championship with one goal-to win a second title. The Gaels defeated Life University (Marietta, Ga.) 30-24 for the second year in a row to take a second straight title on May 9. It was the third year in a ...By Spencer Silva

Saint Mary's Fair Trade Festival Focuses on Social Justice
The Saint Mary's College Ferrogiarro Hall quad on April 24 was filled with about 20 booths showcasing local vendors and companies that deal in fair trade practices during the SMC Fair Trade and Social Justice Festival.
By Sophie Braccini

Bertolt Brecht in Lamorinda
It is quite marvelous to be able to immerse oneself in intelligent entertainment right here at home in Lamorinda at Saint Mary's College. That's what higher education institutions are for - to challenge us to think. The college is providing another great opportunity ...By Sophie Braccini

Saint Mary's Tops Hawaii in Overtime Thriller in WNIT Opening Round
After earning a berth for the WNIT, Saint Mary's faced a tough opponent in the first round. Saint Mary's escaped with a 92-88 overtime win against Hawaii on March 20 after watching an 18-point second-half lead vanish.
By Karl Buscheck

Celebrate Pacific Islands Culture at SMC
Lamorindans looking for an exotic cultural ...By A.K. Carroll

Saint Mary's Loses in WCC Quarterfinals
Like the fate of those in casinos around Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, the basketball teams of Saint Mary's College seemed to have had the odds stacked against them for a shot at the NCAA tournament.
By Michael Sakoda

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