Published June 10th, 2009
business briefs
Lafayette Town Manager Steve Falk celebrates businesses at the Try Lafayette First party on June 5 Photo Sophie Braccini

Lafayette Farmers Market?
People are brainstorming in Lafayette to see if a farmers' market could be possible in town. Sustainable Lafayette and the City's Environmental Task Force are at the fore front of the effort. A meeting is scheduled for business owners/managers on Tuesday, June 23, 6:00pm at the city offices, 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd. in room #240 to discuss the topic. Attendees will discuss the possible merits or issues that a Farmer's Market might bring to the community. The business community is invited to join this group for an informal meeting and weigh in on with their thoughts. Can't make the meeting? Please email your comments to Janet Thomas at

Entrepreneurial Youth in Lamorinda
Taylor Smith, a junior in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department at UC Berkeley, is running an exterior painting business in the Lamorinda area for the summer. He started his sales and marketing effort at the beginning of May and plans to go into production in June. This endeavor is a business management internship supported by College Works Painting. The company gave Smith a $6,000 line of credit to start his business. The student placed an ad on Craigslist to recruit painters and got 800 responses. After interviews, screening and checking references, he constituted his team. Smith's revenue will be the profit generated by the business. On top of that, if he earns 100% customer satisfaction, College Works will give him a scholarship. "I always wanted to run my own business," says the Engineering major. He has set a goal of 25 homes to paint over the summer and has booked 13 so far. Smith can be reached by phone at (650) 773-1035 or

Subway in Moraga is Getting a Facelift,
396 Park St, Rheem Center, 376-2959
The store will stay open, and contractors will work thru the night for the next two weeks to completely revamp the store.

News from the Three Chambers of Commerce
Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
Lafayette Chamber celebrated the Try Lafayette first campaign on June 5th and thanked the community by treating residents to a free barbecue and concert. A very large crowd gathered on the soft lawn of the downtown Plaza to hear the Buzztones play classic and fun rock and roll. Jay Lifson of the Chamber of Commerce was delighted with the great attendance. "I hope our campaign is helping our merchants," says Lifson, "people have started to realize that shopping local makes sense on many levels, it supports a vibrant downtown filled with a wide variety of unique businesses and boutiques, it reduces our carbon foot print, and saves gas by shopping in town, it keeps our tax-base strong by circulating money in town versus sending it elsewhere, and it supports businesses that generously donate to local schools and non-profits."
 Green Committee, Wednesday, June 17, 11:45am, Chamber Office
 Entrepreneur's Club, Thursday, June 18, 8:30am, Chamber Office
 Martini Contest, Monday, June 22, 6pm, Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa
 Business Issues Meeting, Friday, June 26, 8:00am, Chamber office
 Mixer, July 8 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Lafayette Tree and
Landscape, 1024-A Walnut Drive.

Moraga Chamber of Commerce
 At its May meeting, Moraga Chamber of Commerce Board member Dimitri Bokman, Manager of the Union Bank in Moraga, organized an educational session about the current economic situation and how small businesses owners can cope financially. Bokman invited Mark Sweetland of The Hartford Financial Group to talk about the present economic situation. "He explained how the present situation was different from the 1929 great depression and that we will get out of it over time," said Chamber member Jeff Schwartz. The second presenter was Taylor Bell, small business development Officer at Union Bank. Bell made a very detailed presentation of everything small business owners need in order to get financing in these difficult times.
 Mixer on June 23 at the St Mary's College Rheem campus with Parkmon vineyard. Tasting of Lamorinda wines and wine pairing by Dave and Shari Parker. The mixer will start at 6 p.m., cost is $5 per person, spouses and significant others are invited along with Chamber members. The campus is located at 380 Moraga Road.

Orinda Chamber of Commerce
 Grand Opening "Mixer" and Ribbon Cutting to celebrate the Pizzeria Amoroma Restaurant opening in Orinda. Tuesday June 16th 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., 65 Moraga Way, Orinda (next to Peet's Coffee).Restaurant phone : 925-253-ROMA (7662). This free event is sponsored by owner Michele Lavecchia, and manager Libby Havlicek.
 Chamber breakfast meeting, on Thursday, June 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at Village Pizza 19 Orinda Way Orinda. Cost $10.00 - at the door. This is a relaxed coffee hour in which chamber members can mix and mingle, share ideas, and exchange business cards.

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