| Published May 12th, 2011
| Coming Soon in Moraga:
| | | | Your Chance to Chat with the Mayor and Town Manager
Beginning May 20th Moraga's Mayor, Karen Mendonca, and Town Manager, Jill Keimach, will hold monthly drop-in meetings with Moraga residents. On the third Friday of each month, Mendonca and Keimach will be available from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. in the rear meeting room at Terzetto Cuisine, located at 1419 Moraga Way in the Moraga Center, to answer questions and discuss topics of interest with the community. In announcing this new public outreach effort, Mendonca said, "We will try it for six months and see how it goes." | | | | | | | | | | | |