Published November 23rd, 2011
City Council May Re-Poll Residents Regarding Roads
Laurie Snyder
Orinda City Council, as a follow-up to its October 18th Roads Workshop and Roads Subcommittee meetings, will gather together in a special session November 29th to continue the conversation regarding Orinda's roads and drainage systems. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Orinda Library.
As part of their discussions, Council members will consider giving staff the go ahead to identify and contract with an independent public opinion polling company to gauge the mood of Orinda residents as they did prior to previous, unsuccessful road improvement-related ballot initiatives.
The Council commissioned a poll in 2009, when FM3 (Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates) was paid $16,220 to prepare the poll, conduct the field work, and prepare final reports for the City Council. The culminating report, which was delivered to the City in February 2010, is available on the City of Lafayette's web site:
According to the agenda for the November 29th meeting, if the Council authorizes a new poll, its Roads Subcommittee members will then work with City staff and the polling firm to draft wording for the questions to be asked of Orindans. That wording would include questions regarding the Council's proposed funding strategies for repairing and maintaining Orinda's roads and drainage systems moving forward, as well as an assessment of residents' opinions of the general level of service provided by the City.

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA