Published June 19th, 2013
City Encourages Pictures for "A Day in the Life of Lafayette"
By Cathy Tyson
Illustrating the photo event, some good natured members of the Pubic Art Committee and staff pose with senior planner Lindy Chan. From left: Lindy Chan, Tom Taneyhill, Collette Sweeney (Campolindo High School teacher), Susan Dannenfelser and Clay Jensen. Photo Cathy Tyson
Can you say "crowd sourced community created snapshot?" It's a phrase one doesn't hear every day. But this unique concept is coming to Lafayette with an open invitation for folks who live or work within the city limits. For willing photographers of any age the challenge is to express life in Lafayette through photography. The idea is to think outside the lens and take pictures anytime from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on the longest day of the year, June 21 - the summer solstice.
Dennis Mudgett of the Public Art Committee came up with the interesting idea and with the help of now-retired special projects manager Ann Merideth, organized the effort. Photos can be any size up to 11" x 14" and must be mounted on a mat board that's black, white or gray and be submitted with the time and location the photograph was taken, the photographer's name and contact information (if under 18 years old include name and school), and of course images much be appropriate for general viewing.
Selected photos will be displayed at the Community Hall of the Lafayette Library and Learning Center in the fall. Perhaps last call at the Round Up, or a group of friends enjoying coffee, kids playing in a park, bees buzzing near a backyard bee hive, family dinner, traffic - the possibilities are endless. For more details, go to the city website at Submissions will be accepted from July 12 til 5 p.m. July 30. One image per photographer.

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