Published August 24th, 2016
Smith Stuns by Not Running for Reelection
By Nick Marnell
Victoria Smith Photo Ohlen Alexander
In another surprising announcement from a Lamorinda public official, Mayor Victoria Smith said she will not run for reelection to the Orinda City Council in November. She joins Traci Reilly of Lafayette, Mike Metcalf of Moraga, Richard Whitmore of the Acalanes Union High School District, Mary Piepho of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District and Fred Weil and Alex Evans of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District among the high-profile officials who declined to run for reelection to seats on their governing boards.

Smith spent three terms on the Orinda council and departs having accomplished much of what she set out to do in 2004.

"Things are in great shape," Smith said. "Our revenue is robust, the budget is balanced and the city maintains a general fund reserve of over $5 million. I don't have a lot left to do, and I am looking for a new challenge."

She hesitated to name one particular accomplishment, but the first topic Smith mentioned was the repair of the city roads, which she said was three-fifths of the way to completion.

"I am proud of the Monteverde Senior Apartments, the completion of Orinda Grove and the progress we have made in the Wilder development," Smith said. She said she would like to have seen the revitalization of the downtown get off the ground, but that project was thwarted by the recession and by the magnitude of the dollars needed to fix the roads.

Smith will run in November for the Division 5 seat on the Moraga-Orinda Fire District governing board. (see page A8.) Should she win, Smith will supervise an agency with a larger operating budget and more employees than the city of Orinda, plus deal with one of the most polarizing public issues in Lamorinda: the tax disparity between the two district municipalities.

Smith will likely have found the challenge that she sought.

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