Published September 7th, 2016
Lafayette Man Walks Lake Tahoe to Support Vets
By Cathy Dausman
Ted Gallagher Photo Cathy Dausman
Ted Gallagher's looks are pure Marine, from his closely cropped hair to his sturdy build. His firm handshake and impeccable manners belie a humble and somewhat private demeanor.
Gallagher's privacy, however, may be a thing of the past after he completes an eight-day loop on foot around Lake Tahoe beginning Sept. 10 to raise awareness of veteran suicide rates and raise funds for the veterans' organization Semper Fi.
Gallagher has always loved walking, hiking and trail running. His father was a veteran of World War II, having served three tours in the Pacific theater; the elder Gallagher and his wife taught their son about giving back. It only becomes apparent how much Gallagher is giving back when he reveals that he has neither served in the military nor has family members who have served.
Still, the Lafayette man insists that veterans, the wounded and their families "deserve, in my opinion, the absolute best of the best." That may explain why Gallagher keeps upping his game on the Tahoe loop. The event "has grown far larger" than Gallagher expected when he first decided to raise $10,000 for Semper Fi, possibly by hiking the Lafayette Reservoir Nature Trail.
"Then I thought go big or go home" Gallagher said and the $10,000 goal became $25,000 and the location changed to Tahoe. That amount increased to $50,000 and finally $100,000. Gallagher has received at least 80 donations. An anonymous check for $36,000 from a former Marine puts his current total at $106,000 before he ever makes a footprint in the Tahoe basin.
"It never ceases to amaze us how creative our supporters have been," says Vanessa Keane. Keane, senior manager of community outreach and events for Semper Fi, says Gallagher's donation is "an incredible amount of money," especially considering the majority of their grants amount to less than $1,000 per case. She said veterans with "invisible wounds" like traumatic brain injury or post-traumatic stress disorder may face a lifetime of recovery.
Gallagher's walk begins and ends at Homewood on the southern end of Lake Tahoe. His route takes him along streets, highways and walking trails A work buddy will accompany him on the first day of his hike but Gallagher expects to be solo for much of the event although he has invited "a ton of vets" to join him. He's packing water, jerky, almonds and power bars; his lodging is a combination of guest and motel rooms cobbled together for the event.
Gallagher calls his walk "The 72 for the 22 at elevation 62(00)," signifying the 72-plus miles he will hike to commemorate 22 veterans who take their lives daily; the last number references Lake Tahoe's 6,200 foot elevation.
Gallagher says that while "writing checks" is great, he gains deeper satisfaction from a physical challenge. Still, he insists, "I'm just a messenger."
Dollars - $106,000 and counting so far - to donuts he's mistaken.
Semper Fi ( was established in 2004 to provide financial assistance and lifetime support for post 9/11 wounded, ill and injured service members and their families.
To see the Ted Gallagher website, visit

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA