Lafayette Measure C
No on Measure C
Dear Editor,
Lafayette has a $130 million city council chamber/library complex. The astronomical price is because of incredibly bad judgement and borrowing money. Now they want to borrow up to $58 million more on the anticipated earnings from Measure C, the 1 percent sales tax that will affect vehicle purchases, wherever they are purchased. We can't escape this tax, like we can with other taxable products.
The number one goal of the city of Lafayette's government is to borrow money to purchase the Golden Gate Plaza, a.k.a. The Lincoln Buildings, evict the poor tenants who will never find comparable rent in this area, demolish the buildings, then build an overpriced office building for their best friends, a.k.a. the city of Lafayette's administrators and police. They already have given this project the fictitious name of "The Library Park." They even mentioned turning the deep concrete flood control channel into a "natural" creek. In all appearances, this is impossible. Not merely a bad idea.
Purchasing the "Bridge" parking lot was the first step in this plan.
The politicians deny this is their plan. This reminds me of the old story about the snake that convinced someone to put him in their pocket. Then the snake bit the sweet, gullible person, then said; "You knew I was a snake."
Be sure to vote No on Measure C.
Bruce R. Peterson
Invest in Lafayette - It's Good for Business
Dear Editor,
The Board of Directors of the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Lafayette's Measure C on the November ballot. We support the city council's effort to fund the Citizens' Vision for Lafayette for the coming decades. The Chamber has opposed sales tax increases in prior years when we did not feel that the economy or circumstances were right. There are several reasons this year's proposal makes sense.
First, the city council has made clear that they are committed to investing the incremental sales taxes on improvements to make Lafayette a better place to live, dine and shop. Investing in efforts to reduce traffic congestion and improve parking downtown are both critical to the happiness of our customers and the continued success of our businesses. Finding land for new downtown parks and helping to revitalize the Park Theater will bring more pedestrians and bicycles to the downtown and increase the clientele at Lafayette businesses. Providing additional resources for police services will improve public safety for businesses and residents.
Second, the state has set a 10 percent cap on the sales tax for each community. We believe that if Lafayette does not act now, regional agencies will fill that cap space. Lafayette is best served if the additional sales tax money raised in Lafayette stays in Lafayette and is invested in projects that fulfill our Citizens' Vision.
Finally, other cities are working on their own sales tax increments. More than half of the cities in Contra Costa County, including Orinda and Moraga, have already passed sales tax increments. We don't believe that Measure C would create a competitive disadvantage for the businesses in Lafayette.
Measure C will make the Citizens' Vision for Lafayette possible. We believe that it is good for the residents and it is good for businesses.
Invest in Lafayette - Vote Yes on Measure C.
Dennis Garrison
President-Board of Directors
Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
Love Lafayette - A City that Listens
Dear Editor,
A positive measure -- Measure C - is on the ballot in Lafayette to enable the Citizens' Vision of Lafayette's future. For the last year and a half, the city council reached out in open meetings and two rounds of polling to listen to the vision residents have for Lafayette over the coming decades.
While citizens expressed interest in many things, several priorities received very broad citizen support in each survey and community conversation. Those key elements of the Citizens' Vision for the future of Lafayette include:
Protecting open space from development
Reducing downtown congestion
Enhancing police protection
Improving downtown parking
Acquiring land for downtown parks
Revitalizing the historic Park Theater
The revenue from Measure C will enable the city to invest in these priorities, and do so in smart ways that will help the city's money go farther. As Chair of the Circulation Commission, a past member of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Chair of the Sales Tax Revenue Study Committee, and a member of the Lafayette Downtown Congestion Study Steering Committee, I have seen the city listen to what citizens want and then get the most for its citizens by leveraging its funds to obtain additional grants, and taking advantage of opportunities for public/private partnerships.
A positive measure - Measure C - is inspired by the Citizens' Vision for Lafayette. If citizens approve the measure, the city will have the revenue to help fulfill the Citizens' Vision for the city we all love.
Love Lafayette - Vote "Yes" on Measure C.
Kristina Sturm