Published September 19th, 2018
Cadets with a cause
Submitted by Charisse Stratford
Troop leader Charisse with Thea, Jordan, Natalie, Olivia, Maya, Sarah, Caroline (Cassie not present) at the May 10 Bronze Project award ceremony. Photo Richard Lang
Girl Scout Troop 33134 began their first year at Stanley Middle School on the heals of completing their Bronze Project and graduating to Cadets.

Troop 33134 showcased their yearlong Bronze Project, "Save the Oceans, Save the Earth," at the 2018 Lafayette Earth Day Fair. Their goal was to bring attention to one of the leading causes of damage to our earth - water pollution. Oxybenzone, a common ingredient in many sunscreens, was highlighted as one major pollutant causing deformity and death to coral reefs. Scientists say it only takes one drop of oxybenzone in six-and-a-half Olympic-size swimming pools' worth of water to do serious harm, according to The recipe for DIY reef-friendly sunscreen and samples were handed out to over 100 attendees. Coincidentally, the state of Hawaii banned sunscreens containing Oxybenzone the same week this troop received their Bronze Award.

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