Published November 28th, 2018
LAMA charity event raises $100,000 for local nonprofit
By Pippa Fisher
Grateful Gatherings co-founders Christine Flitter, left, and Donna Wright Somerville. Photo provided
When two local, volunteer groups team up with the generous and caring community in Lamorinda, good things are going to happen. In this particular case local nonprofit, volunteer group Lamorinda Gives Back hosted a 'Giving Back in Black' fundraiser held to benefit Grateful Gatherings, a local organization which helps furnish homes of families transitioning out of homelessness or crisis.

Held at a Lafayette home, emceed by Andrew Firestone, former star of the hit show "The Bachelor," with music provided by local cover band, The Peelers, and craft beers served by Canyon Club Brewery, the fun event raised over $100,000.

Director of Programs Christine Flitter, who together with Donna Wright Somerville founded Grateful Gatherings just four years ago, said that they could have never imagined the outpouring of support for their small organization. "We are incredibly grassroots, it's run by the two of us, an amazing board and thousands of volunteers. In a matter of 20 minutes, LAMA and hundreds of donors allowed us to help so many more families next year. It was incredibly powerful, humbling, and inspirational all at the same time.

"We have helped 125 people in 2018 and can't wait to see what holds for 2019 with an extra $100,000 raised! We just feel honored to have been the beneficiary and can't wait to share the immediate impact of these donations," said Flitter.

LAMA consists of about 100 members dedicated to making a difference in the community though volunteerism, fundraising and advocacy and is not aligned with a single beneficiary. Instead the group is constantly seeking to identify new opportunities where resources are needed most.

LAMA President Brian Britton is grateful for the support that made the event such a success.

"Grateful Gatherings is a remarkable organization with great leadership who make real differences on a daily basis. We are so thankful for the support from our members, donors, and all the 'Give Back in Black' attendees who participated at this great event and helped raise money for this worthwhile cause."

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