| Published January 19th, 2022 | Letters to the editor | | | | | Scott Parker for Mayor of Moraga
I've lived in Moraga for nine years now and I love and appreciate so many things about the community and the people that live here. That said, when you compare us to the neighboring towns that comprise Lamorinda, it's not hard to see why Moraga feels like it's stuck in third place in the 1980's.
For the last nine years, I've heard the same issues confront the town that, year after year, go unaddressed. The same storm drains that back up and flood streets. The same empty store fronts that don't get leased. The same crumbling buildings that aren't repaired. The same vision for the town that remains on a drawing board.
Enter Scott Parker. I don't know Scott, but I know a person of action when I see one. In case you missed the last edition of Lamorinda Weekly - he's the Moraga resident that spent 4 months picking up 30 years of litter around town with a goal of `ridding Moraga of litter and making sure it stays that way.'
I don't know this, but I am pretty sure Scott didn't waste his time petitioning the town to do a better job cleaning up. He just put trash bags in his car and started doing it himself.
I'm not naãve to the obstacles the town faces to progress. Entrenched views on growth. Wealthy landowners that won't compromise. Traffic. Climate change. Legal hurdles, limited budgets - I appreciate each one of those present obstacles to progress and that a lot of people have worked tirelessly to make things better.
But Scott's mission stands out in a town that is mired in reasons for `why we can't' - as a striking example of how we can. He shows us that if you want to make Moraga better, you've got to be willing to do it yourself. Thanks for showing us the way, Scott. And thank you to the many other Morgans that do the same. Let's resolve to be more like them in 2022 if we want to make Moraga better.
Keith Pearce
Acts of Kindness
I would like to propose a resolution for 2022 that we all can keep. Perform one act of kindness every week. There are about 16,000 residents in Moraga. If we each did one kind thing a week for a year, that would be 832,000 acts. Yes, I'm including the kids.
Last summer the girls on my street left me a painted rock that said, "You're fabulous." I put it on my desk and smile every time I look at it.
Drop a card to a neighbor who is having health problems, pick up a piece of litter, sweep a storm drain clear of leaves, send a thank you to the fire department, when you bake make an extra for someone who doesn't. It won't have to be much, or cost anything. We have a neighbor who has been dragging our garbage cans out every week and bringing them back after they are emptied. I can't tell you how much my knees and I appreciate that act of kindness. Well, I guess I just did.
Please join me in filling this year with kindness. Hopefully, it will catch on.
Jo Mele
Moraga | | | | | | | | | | | | | |