Published January 19th, 2022
City honors garden club for holiday wreaths, Boy Scout volunteers help
By Sora O'Doherty
Scout Troop 237, back row, from left: Michael Robinson, Ben Hollerbach, Grayson Bloes, Hayden MacKenzie; front: Louie Windhurst Photo Sora O'Doherty
Boy Scouts from Troop 237 on Jan. 9 assisted the Orinda Garden Club by taking down the 60 wreaths that had brightened downtown Orinda over the holidays, and on Jan. 11, the city council honored the club with a certificate of recognition for the holiday wreath program. In introducing the matter, Mayor Dennis Fay commented that his family had guests in town over the holidays and they were very impressed by the wreaths.

Present on the Zoom meeting to accept the honor were Orinda Garden Club co-presidents Linda Thompson and Laura Swaczuk and co-chairs of the wreath program, Shelly Gilligan and Margaret Stahle. Thompson explained that the theme this year is environmental kindness, with an emphasis on recycling and reusing. To that end, she gave a shout out to Scout Troop 237, whose members took down the wreaths and carefully took them apart.

Council Member Amy Worth commented, "I don't think that any museum takes the care that the garden club does in hanging the wreaths." Vice Mayor Inga Miller, who helped the Scouts prepare the wreaths for recycling or reuse at St. Mark's Church on Jan. 9 shared "how special it is to have this beautification that we wouldn't have without the generous support of the garden club as well as the hours of effort." Miller added, "as one of the members of the recycle smart board, thank you for the extra effort that went into the recycling of the wreaths." The greenery was placed in bins for composting and the wreath frames went to Holly's Homegrown in Lafayette for reuse. Bows were carefully removed for use next year. The only thing that went into the trash were very small zip ties.

The Scouts from Troop 237 who participated were Michael Robinson, Ben Hollerbach, Grayson Bloes, Hayden MacKenzie, and Louie Windhurst, with assistance and driving from their parents.

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