Published May 25th, 2022
Assistance League of Diablo Valley awards over $206K in scholarships
Submitted by Betty Miller
Assistance League of Diablo Valley 2022 Scholarship recipients. Photo provided
Since 1999, Assistance League of Diablo Valley's Scholarships program, presently co-chaired by Susan Klipfel and Carol Johnstone, has provided financial and emotional support to high school, community college and university students as well as returnees to the academic community. Each applicant has expressed a desire to advance through education by maintaining a designated grade point average, volunteering in campus and community projects and charting an academic timeline.
Additionally, the required Interview component encourages each candidate to explain what he or she wants to accomplish, why and, as important, how to implement their commitment. This process touches on the candidates' significant areas of their lives, information that might be sensitive and, therefore, held in confidence.
On May 11, Assistance League of Diablo Valley held its Scholarships Awards Presentation at Boundary Oak Golf Course Clubhouse, Walnut Creek. Recipients ranging from ages 17 to 68, supported by family members and mentors alike, realized their dreams.
Following the awards ceremony presentations, Klipfel and Johnstone acknowledged the generosity of foundations, individual donors (chapter members included) and revenue earned at the Assistance League Thrift Shop at the Way Side Inn, the chapter's primary fundraiser, located in Lafayette. The combined efforts resulted in $206,200 in scholarships granted to well-deserving applicants for 2022-23.
To learn more about the Scholarships Program, as well as Assistance League of Diablo Valley's other philanthropic programs, visit

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